Minutes of July 31, 1995 Meeting

     The meeting convened at 2:10 p.m. in room 244 Cathedral of Learning.

     UPBC members present were: Thomas Anderson, Toni Carbo Bearman, Jacob Birnberg, John
Brice, James Cassing, Richard Colwell, Ronald Gardner, Darlene Harris, Brian Hart, Randy Juhl,
Franklin McCarthy, Keith McDuffie, Glenn Nelson, Ben Tuchi, and Bruce Williams.  Also present were: Ann
Dykstra, Kevin Evanto, Bruce Hutchinson, William Laird, Darlene Lewis, Jeffrey Liebmann, William Madden,
Robert Pack, Art Ramicone, Eli Shorak, and Paul Stieman.
     UPBC members not present were: George Chambers, Thomas Detre, Peter Koehler, James Maher,
Jeffrey Romoff, Michael Stuckart, Philip Wion, Jeffrey Woodard, Julius Youngner, and Judith Zimmerman.

Approval of Minutes

     The minutes of the July 13 meeting were approved.

Business and Finance Objectives and Directions

     Tuchi discussed FY 1996 objectives for Business and Finance, encompassing 40 different operations
with a combined budget of approximately $113 million.  He stated the vision that "Business and Finance will
be among the most efficient and respected organizations of its type on any campus in the country."
     A primary thrust being pursued within Business and Finance is the management of change in the
University's information systems.  Tuchi discussed the Information Architecture initiative and the forthcoming
project to create a new automated general ledger system to replace the current payroll and financial
information systems.  A new purchasing/accounts payable system will reduce paperwork, expedite the
purchasing process, and improve coordination of University contracts.  A distributed registration system will
enhance data capabilities from the Integrated Student Information System and discrete Human Resource
Information System modules will address hiring and employee records.
     Tuchi explained that another thrust of Business and Finance is the examination of potential
outsourcing of University services.  Services being explored include some portion of computing, certain
bookstore operations, operation of an apartment complex, and a residence hall operation.  He stated that no
specific job changes are targeted and that most changes should occur through attrition.
     Tuchi listed the following major initiatives for FY 1996:

-- an energy engineer and education program for energy savings;
-- safety and security enhancements, including replacement of University Police radios;
-- student quality of life enhancements, including a trial student escort service and support of student computer
-- installation of Financial and Human Resource systems and applications;
-- an engineering study of utilities for the 1996 A-21 Federal Research Grant Proposal;
-- computer and equipment upgrades for several Business and Finance units;
-- the move of Facilities Management to the Eureka Building;
-- completion of tasks in developing the University Master Plan;
-- accommodation of the Information Technology Steering Committee budget reductions in administrative
-- a risk management initiative designed to lower exposure to insurable and environmental risks; and
-- an expanded University-wide recycling program.

     Tuchi discussed the ongoing development of basic information on auxiliaries and cost-recovery units,
such as Housing, Food Services, Parking and Transportation, and the University Bookstore, for use by the
UPBC.  The intent of these summaries is to supply basic information on the separate budgets and outputs of
these units.  McCarthy suggested that adding depreciation costs and other specific details would allow for the
use of these reports in outsourcing analyses and for purposes of establishing benchmarks.

Telephone Rate Structure

     Stieman presented information on a new rate structure for University telecommunications services
based on the need to ensure that expenses for specific services are properly and fully attributed, maintain
compliance with federal regulations, simplify the rate structure, and distribute operational savings to units. 
The new rates, which will become effective on September 1, will result in the passing on of savings to
University units of $462,000 per year.  Stieman explained that, with the implementation of the new rate
structure, all units will own the telephone sets that are currently in place.  Units may purchase new sets from
Telecommunications and pay for ongoing maintenance, or purchase sets from a source of their choice and
retain responsibility for set maintenance.

     The meeting adjourned at 3:47 p.m.